Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Søstrene Grene

I love this store. I hate saying the name of it. Søstrene Grene. I don't even know how to type how you'd pronounce it. Whenever I talk about it to someone, I have to suddenly speak very slowly and say it syllable-by-syllable, because it's just so difficult for me to wrap my tongue around. That's because I'm a foreigner, of course.

Anyway, this shop is so awesome. It's one of those random shops where it has everything for cheap - but instead of looking like some gaudy Wal*Mart inside, it's got a beautiful dark interior. The walls are all black with skylights shining down on you and all the products as you make your way through a maze - yes a maze - which ultimately leads you to the cash point where you pay. It's so much fun! And everything is so cheap. One of my favorite stores here in DK, for sure.

Like I said, it is kind of random but there is a kind of theme to it all: in every shop there are home supplies (pillow cases, candles, things to decorate your home with), kitchen supplies (coffee/tea tins, things for your kitchen counters) and art things (paint, canvases, brushes) just to name a few. All the stores have these elements. But it's scattered so much so that it's not thrown in your face, 'Ok now this is the kitchen section' (*cough* IKEA *cough*)

Anyway, this shows the doorway that leads to the escalator which takes you up to the darkened beyond of... Søstrene Grene! :D
posted by Erin @ 9:36:00 AM  
  • At May 11, 2007 at 12:00:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger Lothiane said…

    Sounds like a wonderful store, I'd love to visit! :D

    Do you speak Danish? I know that in Norway (as in Denmark) so many people know English, so some foreigners never learn Norwegian as they use English instead. :-)

  • At May 12, 2007 at 10:33:00 AM GMT+1, Blogger Erin said…

    Ja det kan jeg godt. ...En lille smule! :P Jeg har vært lære dansk i 7 måneder nu.

    Yes I can ... a little bit. I have been learning danish for 7 months now.

    I cannot stand when people move/visit a country for a long period of time and do not bother trying to learn the language. I knew I was only going to live here for at the most 2 and a half years, but the same week I arrived, I started private tutoring lessons. It's just how I am - I wish all foreigners are the same!

    And while they SAY everyone speaks English here, it's not necessarily true. In order to converse with older people, like grandparents, you'll probably need to speak Danish. They didn't get as good education (if any) in English as the kids do today. For example, my boyfriends mormor (mom's mom) doesn't speak a WORD of English! And even some of her sons still speak hardly any English and they're in their thirties.

    But it goes the same way for them, I believe. It's such a small country, they should try to learn to speak English. But I guess in their day and age, it just wasn't needed.

  • At May 20, 2007 at 2:03:00 PM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Would you consider this Souvenior shop. Or could you tell me the nasme of one that I might find some "Danish" gifty items??
    Love your page. Jan

  • At May 20, 2007 at 5:56:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger Erin said…

    No it's not a souvenior shop at all. I remember I bought a Danish flag there once, back when I didn't live in DK, but that's about it.

    Really, if you just walk through the city center where all the shops are (you'll know when you've come to it - it's a large cluster of them all in the same area) there's lots of stores that have postcard racks or little souvenior-type things around. I've never actually seen a whole Odense souvenior shop on it's own... you just kind of have to look around them individually and see what you can find.

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