Saturday, May 5, 2007
H.C. Andersen Statue

Got another statue for you guys! This one actually sits only a few feet away from the He/She statue (I really don't know what to call that one). It's kind of a funny statue... sometimes it's not there at all. And you see the head at his feet? It's a replica of the head on the statue... sometimes thats not there either. My boyfriend says sometimes they - get this - wheel it around town! Or they wheel it away completely! I don't know where to... But for the past 6+ months, it's been there all the time, so maybe it's here to stay this time.

Sometimes you'll see ole' Hans holding a beer bottle or can, or something equally silly; things left by the drunk people overnight, as it's right by all the bars and - more importantly - the kebab shops!
posted by Erin @ 12:01:00 AM  
  • At May 5, 2007 at 12:34:00 AM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    very interesting
    but why the second head? has it been sawed off and replaced so many times that they keep a space close by? (not serious)

  • At May 5, 2007 at 1:04:00 AM GMT+1, Blogger Erin said…

    Well... I don't know. It's a head on a stick (pretty gruesome, if you put it like that) but it doesn't actually fit onto any part of the actual statue. It's just staked by his foot. Maybe it's just "art".

    Oh and children generally don't climb on this statue. This is the statue that all the tourists pose by :P

  • At May 5, 2007 at 10:22:00 AM GMT+1, Blogger Lothiane said…

    Ha ha, funny to read about placing beer cans in ole Hans' hands. :)

    I know that in the Vigeland park in Oslo, there have been several attemps to do "fun" things to the statues. Sometimes they've even managed to steal one of the most famous statues: Sinnataggen. (Angry little boy stomping his feet) Other times they just paint him red or blue. :-S

    Oh well.. :)

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